Libyan Research & Studies Center
The center was established on July 1, 2018, to be an independent center for research and studies in the social and human sciences. It consists of a group of departments and units, organized by its general structure, which constitute its means and tool in the success of its programs and activities, and supervising them, which were determined within an integrated vision, noble goals, and a lofty message, the goal of which is to build the human being in Libya culturally, psychologically, and socially.
Center's vision
In the midst of the rapidly accelerating and somewhat unstable events in Libya and the Arab and Islamic world, the Libyan Center for Research and Studies saw that the current reality imposes the necessity of organized and serious work in order to achieve the success of its work and objectives, which concern the Libyan people in particular, and the Arab people in general, through which the center seeks to exert the utmost possible efforts in exchanging experiences and developing skills between the rising youth in the Arab countries and the ambitious youth in Libya. The Center’s vision is based on an in-depth study and a comprehensive, carefully studied vision that came as a result of careful reading and conscious observation of the general scene in Libya. The Center hopes that this vision will crystallize with the possibility of treatment, addition, and construction on scientific and research foundations, in which the state’s institutions and official bodies will be the greatest factor in moving the stagnant, meeting and dialogue, and supporting the harmony of its institutions with the various research and study centers and civil society organizations. Its goal in this is for the person in this society to reach prosperity and stability and obtain his share – like the rest of the countries – in progress and prosperity.
Center's message:
There is no doubt that every work or activity has a message that its owners hope will reach the other party and interact with it in a positive spirit until it bears fruit. The Libyan Center for Research and Studies sends a clear and evident message through the programs and works it offers; as it believes in the opportunities for success even in the worst conditions and circumstances, and sees the safety and success of the work lies in the spirit of teamwork. The center reminds us of the important and fundamental role of civil society institutions and research and study centers in stability and construction, and that the future of man depends on the success of performing this message in the best possible way.

اعضاء المركز الليبي

Nadine Petrolli
Support manager

Jenny Murtaugh
Web designer

Joana Leite
Content manager

Marco Alves
Chief design officer
Center objectives:

Center's interests:
The Libyan Center for Research and Studies aspires to accomplish a number of programs and activities related to its areas of interest, and has set priorities in this regard. It has taken upon itself, from the beginning, to prepare its working team well, by developing its capabilities, enhancing its skills, and updating the means and mechanisms through which it works. The center aspires to expand its interests in Libyan affairs, and its priority is care and greater effort in its various programs and activities. It is determined to provide everything that is useful and purposeful that serves the issues of the nation and the citizen. The center pays great attention to cultural, scientific and cognitive affairs, and ways to improve performance in official institutions and departments, and to provide expertise and advice to them.
The Libyan Center for Research and Studies plays a major role in the success of its various programs and activities, which focus on social and human sciences, strategic and international studies, and other studies related to the issues and concerns of the citizen in Libya. The center sees the importance of diversifying and renewing the activities it carries out under the current circumstances, to fill the void sometimes, and to support and add at other times. This prompts the center to invest all legitimate and available possibilities and means to work in various fields and arenas related to its areas of activity and interest, or official facilities and institutions related to human advancement in Libya. The center's tasks and activities are aimed at enlightenment, renewal, development and modernization for the requirements of reality and the requirements of the future in service of development in Libya. The center also hopes that the concerned parties will respond to participate in achieving the results recommended by conferences and seminars, or that these research and studies produce a tangible life reality that contributes to the movement of construction and progress, and enhances the center's vision in achieving its goals. The tasks undertaken by the Libyan Center for Research and Studies require the presence of advanced means and mechanisms, as it works in many directions and at large levels of a local, regional and international nature. To achieve its distinguished vision, the center has identified the means and mechanisms for this, and has worked on good planning since its inception within its general structure. It established the Department of Research and Studies, the Department of Strategic and International Studies, the Department of Human Studies, and the Department of Arab and Islamic Studies, so that the center can carry out seminars and conferences, good preparation of studies and research, editing and translation work, printing, publishing, monitoring and tracking. The center will also seek to keep pace with scientific development in the future, and benefit from what (technology) produces to update its means and mechanisms at the highest level in a manner that is consistent with its position and imposed by the necessity of the era.